How to make a coin or (something small) disappear

Make a Coin or (Something Small) Disappear


Find a coin...put it your hand

Show coin to audience...

Show coin to audience...

Hold the coin so,that your hand is underneath the coin..

Hold the coin so,that your hand is underneath the coin..

Put your other hand over your hand with coin protend to take the coin...(but it only blocks audiences view of coin)

Put your other hand over your hand with coin protend to take the coin...(but it only blocks audiences view of coin)

This is the magic drop the coin in same hand you were holding it in...and protend to take coin in other hand...

This is the magic drop the coin in same hand you were holding it in...and protend to take coin in other hand...

Keep in mind not to look at hands during this part of the trick...audience might get suspicious and you will get caught...

Keep in mind not to look at hands during this part of the trick...audience might get suspicious and you will get caught...

This is from audience view.

This is from audience view.

Portends to take coin in his right hand

Portends to take coin in his right hand

Then (does not close his hand,but keep coin out of sight...)

Then (does not close his hand,but keep coin out of sight...)

Puts it in his pocket...

Puts it in his pocket...

Once your hand is in your pocket...keep it there(unless you can get it out without getting noticed.\ud83d\ude0f

Once your hand is in your pocket...keep it there(unless you can get it out without getting noticed.๐Ÿ˜

Audience says the coin is still in the left hand\ud83d\ude02

Audience says the coin is still in the left hand๐Ÿ˜‚


IT"S GONE!!! did you??? did you???

  • Coin
  • Hands
  • Audience