How to make a clay cat face

Make a Clay Cat Face


Note: clay can be any color u like but it can not be the same color every single time

Gather your materials

Gather your materials

Take the clay that you want for the face

Take the clay that you want for the face

And flatten it

And flatten it

Make two triangles for the ears

Make two triangles for the ears

Attach them to the face

Attach them to the face

Now I am going to show you how to make the eyes

Take your clay

Take your clay

Grab a little piece

Grab a little piece

And shape them into balls

And shape them into balls

Attach them to the face

Attach them to the face

Add two little circles into the big one

Add two little circles into the big one

Now get the clay for the mouth

Now get the clay for the mouth

Shape it to an oval and attach it to the face

Shape it to an oval and attach it to the face

Get the clay for the whiskers

Get the clay for the whiskers

And make a long thin snake

And make a long thin snake

Cut little pieces of clay and attach them to the face

Cut little pieces of clay and attach them to the face

I decided to add eyebrows and get rid if the whiskers

Now bake in the oven for about 6 minutes

And you are DONE

  • Clay of any color
  • Circle cutter
  • Surface to work on
  • Oven
  • Alluminum foil
  • Clay for the eyes
  • Clay for the mouth
  • Clay for the whiskers