How to make a chai shortbread cookie tart

A traditional rich buttery shortbread cookie blended with the unique flavorful spices of chai.


For this shortbread cookie, I am using the tart pan with a removable bottom.

For this shortbread cookie, I am using the tart pan with a removable bottom.

In a large bowl place the flour, cornstarch and salt. Whisk together and set aside.

In a large bowl place the flour, cornstarch and salt. Whisk together and set aside.

Remove Darjeeling tea leaves from tea bags and set aside.

Remove Darjeeling tea leaves from tea bags and set aside.

When using whole cardamom pods, they need to be finely ground.

When using whole cardamom pods, they need to be finely ground.

Process in a personal blender, spice or coffee grinder.

Process in a personal blender, spice or coffee grinder.

After finely ground, set aside.

After finely ground, set aside.

Cream together the 3/4 cups of sugar and 3 sticks of butter until light and fluffy.

Cream together the 3/4 cups of sugar and 3 sticks of butter until light and fluffy.

Blend in the Darjeeling tea leaves and spices.

Blend in the Darjeeling tea leaves and spices.

Scrape down the bowl.

Scrape down the bowl.

Blend in half the flour mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Blend in half the flour mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Blend in the remaining flour mixture. Mix together until it forms a solid like dough, all comes together and pulls away from the sides.

Blend in the remaining flour mixture. Mix together until it forms a solid like dough, all comes together and pulls away from the sides.

Lightly coat tart pan with baking release spray.

Lightly coat tart pan with baking release spray.

Add cookie dough to pan. Using your hands, press dough evenly to cover the bottom of tart pan.

Add cookie dough to pan. Using your hands, press dough evenly to cover the bottom of tart pan.

Vanilla sugar; 3 tbls sugar and a pinch of vanilla bean powder or 1/4 tsp vanilla extract. Mix together and set aside to garnish the top of the tart.

Vanilla sugar; 3 tbls sugar and a pinch of vanilla bean powder or 1/4 tsp vanilla extract. Mix together and set aside to garnish the top of the tart.

After the cookie has been pressed into the tart pan, use a fork to pierce the tart into 12 sections. Garnish the top of the Chai tart with half of the vanilla sugar.

After the cookie has been pressed into the tart pan, use a fork to pierce the tart into 12 sections. Garnish the top of the Chai tart with half of the vanilla sugar.

Bake at 350f for 35 minutes or until golden brown.

Bake at 350f for 35 minutes or until golden brown.

When done, remove from oven and garnish the top of the tart with the remaining vanilla sugar. Cool completely be for removing tart from pan.

When done, remove from oven and garnish the top of the tart with the remaining vanilla sugar. Cool completely be for removing tart from pan.

Remove the tart from the pan, place on a serving dish and cut along the fork perforated lines into 12 even pieces. Serve with tea to family and friends.

Remove the tart from the pan, place on a serving dish and cut along the fork perforated lines into 12 even pieces. Serve with tea to family and friends.

  • 1.0 tart pan, pie plate or shortbread mold
  • 1.0 Stand Mixer
  • 1.0 Rubber spatula
  • Baking release spray
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • 1.0 Fork
  • 3.0c All-purpose flour
  • 3.0Tbsp Cornstarch
  • 1/2tsp Salt
  • 3.0 Sticks of butter
  • 3/4c Granulated sugar
  • 3.0 Darjeeling tea bags
  • 1/2tsp Ginger
  • 1/2tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/2tsp Cloves
  • 1/2tsp Cardamom whole or ground
  • 3.0Tbsp Vanilla Sugar for garnish