How to make a candle holder

Make a Candle Holder


Rule 8cm by 8cm on sheet metal with the metal ruler and a scribe

Rule 8cm by 8cm on sheet metal with the metal ruler and a scribe

Cut sheet metal on the line you marked with the scribe

Cut sheet metal on the line you marked with the scribe

Rule from corner to corner to find the centre then use the centre punch to make a hole

Rule from corner to corner to find the centre then use the centre punch to make a hole

Use the divider to make a circle for you dishes

Use the divider to make a circle for you dishes

Use the tin snips to cut out the circle

Use the tin snips to cut out the circle

File the sheet metal so that it's smooth all the way round

File the sheet metal so that it's smooth all the way round

Drill a hole in the centre with the drill press

Drill a hole in the centre with the drill press

Use the tin mans mallet to make the sheet metal curved

Use the tin mans mallet to make the sheet metal curved

Sand the sheet metal so that the paint stays on

Sand the sheet metal so that the paint stays on

Now mark the second piece of sheet metal with the scribe.

Now mark the second piece of sheet metal with the scribe.

Use the guillotine to cut the sheet metal on the line.

Use the guillotine to cut the sheet metal on the line.

Now use the metal ruler and a scribe to line from corner to corner to find the centre then use a centre punch to make a mark in the middle

Now use the metal ruler and a scribe to line from corner to corner to find the centre then use a centre punch to make a mark in the middle

Use the divider to mark a perfect circle on your sheet metal

Use the divider to mark a perfect circle on your sheet metal

Use the tin snips to cut out the circle.

Use the tin snips to cut out the circle.

Use the file to file down the edges of the sheet metal and make it smooth.

Use the file to file down the edges of the sheet metal and make it smooth.

Use a clamp to hold your sheet metal and use the drill press the make a hole in the centre.

Use a clamp to hold your sheet metal and use the drill press the make a hole in the centre.

Use the tinmans mallet to mould the sheet metal so it's dented and can catch the wax

Use the tinmans mallet to mould the sheet metal so it's dented and can catch the wax

When it's deep enough use sandpaper to sand down the dish

When it's deep enough use sandpaper to sand down the dish

Now mark your first piece of flat bar with a metal ruler and scribe 15cm long

Now mark your first piece of flat bar with a metal ruler and scribe 15cm long

Use a hacksaw to cut on the line to make your first piece

Use a hacksaw to cut on the line to make your first piece

Now file down the ends with the file so there smooth

Now file down the ends with the file so there smooth

Put the scroll plate in a vice and scroll one end of your first piece

Put the scroll plate in a vice and scroll one end of your first piece

Now put it in the vice and use the ball pein hammer to bend the metal

Now put it in the vice and use the ball pein hammer to bend the metal

Rule your second piece 15cm long

Rule your second piece 15cm long

Use the hacksaw the cut the second piece

Use the hacksaw the cut the second piece

File down both ends with the file so they are smooth

File down both ends with the file so they are smooth

Put your piece in the scroll plate and scroll one end of your second piece

Put your piece in the scroll plate and scroll one end of your second piece

Use the pall pein hammer to end the second piece

Use the pall pein hammer to end the second piece

Now rule off 19cm with the scribe for your third piece

Now rule off 19cm with the scribe for your third piece

Use the hacksaw to cut off your third piece

Use the hacksaw to cut off your third piece

File down both ends with the file so that there smooth

File down both ends with the file so that there smooth

Use the scroll plate to scroll both sides of your third piece

Use the scroll plate to scroll both sides of your third piece

Now rule off 19cm for your fourth piece

Now rule off 19cm for your fourth piece

Now use the hacksaw to cut off your fourth piece

Now use the hacksaw to cut off your fourth piece

File down both ends with the file so there smooth

File down both ends with the file so there smooth

Use the scroll plate to scroll both sides of the fourth piece

Use the scroll plate to scroll both sides of the fourth piece

Now rule off two 11cm pieces for your feet

Now rule off two 11cm pieces for your feet

Now use the hacksaw to cut off both of your feet

Now use the hacksaw to cut off both of your feet

File down both sides of both of your feet so there smooth

File down both sides of both of your feet so there smooth

Bend both sides of both feet so that the feet stand

Bend both sides of both feet so that the feet stand

Use the drill press to drill the holes in all your pieces  First piece: on the flat bit of the end  Second piece: same as the first Third piece: On top and bottom on the sides

Use the drill press to drill the holes in all your pieces First piece: on the flat bit of the end Second piece: same as the first Third piece: On top and bottom on the sides

Fourth piece: Same as third Feet: on the ends before the bends

Fourth piece: Same as third Feet: on the ends before the bends

Put the pop rivets in all the holes and use the pop rivet gun to make them clamp the pieces together.

Put the pop rivets in all the holes and use the pop rivet gun to make them clamp the pieces together.

Now sand down your candle holder so it's ready to spray

Now sand down your candle holder so it's ready to spray

Final product

  • Ball Pein hammer
  • Tinmans mallet
  • 1.2m flat bar
  • Tin snips
  • Sheet metal
  • Sand paper
  • File
  • Metal ruler
  • Divider
  • Scribe
  • Hollowing block
  • Quillotine
  • Scroll plate
  • Vice
  • Pop rivet
  • Pop rivet gun
  • Drill press
  • 3.5mm drill bit
  • Centre punch