How to make a calzone

This makes 1 calzone/Stromboli (don't know the difference!)


Preheat the oven to 220C

Put the flour, salt, yeast and oil in a bowl and mix together

Put the flour, salt, yeast and oil in a bowl and mix together

Pour in the water a little bit at a time and mix (with a knife is best for me!). If you did what I did and added to much water... Just add more flour until it looks like the picture!

Pour in the water a little bit at a time and mix (with a knife is best for me!). If you did what I did and added to much water... Just add more flour until it looks like the picture!

Put the dough on a floured surface and knead it, also keep adding more flour until the dough feels firm and elastic!

Put the dough on a floured surface and knead it, also keep adding more flour until the dough feels firm and elastic!

Roll it out thinly then transfer to an oiled/greased tray!

Roll it out thinly then transfer to an oiled/greased tray!

Toppings time! Put whatever you want in it, I was feeling weird and did beans, cheese and ham x)

Toppings time! Put whatever you want in it, I was feeling weird and did beans, cheese and ham x)

Fold it up!

Fold it up!

Lightly scratch or rub the seams until its more like this, rubbing it with a wet finger helps it to seal better!

Lightly scratch or rub the seams until its more like this, rubbing it with a wet finger helps it to seal better!

Flip it over so the seamed side is against the tray and then attack it with a fork, don't be too vicious though! ;)

Flip it over so the seamed side is against the tray and then attack it with a fork, don't be too vicious though! ;)

Put it into the oven for about 15 minutes until the crust is golden and hardened!

Tadaaaa!!! ;D

  • 125.0g strong white flour
  • 1/2tsp Half a teaspoon of dried yeast
  • 1.0tsp A teaspoon of salt
  • 1.0tsp Oil
  • 60.0ml (roughl) WARM water
  • Toppings!