How to make a butterfly weaving

Make a Butterfly Weaving


Cut your frame paper to a 8"x 8" square.

Cut your frame paper to a 8"x 8" square.

Create a grid on the back of your frame. I used 1/2"x 1/2" measurement. Draw the basic shape of the item you wish to weave.

Create a grid on the back of your frame. I used 1/2"x 1/2" measurement. Draw the basic shape of the item you wish to weave.

Using the grid, re-draw your image to fit within the 1/2" boxes. This will act as your guide for the paper wefts/strips.

Using the grid, re-draw your image to fit within the 1/2" boxes. This will act as your guide for the paper wefts/strips.

Cut strips of paper that are 8"x 1/2". You need three different colors.

Cut strips of paper that are 8"x 1/2". You need three different colors.

Use your exacto knife to cut the vertical lines inside the butterfly.

Use your exacto knife to cut the vertical lines inside the butterfly.

Begin at the top of the image. Place the strip under the first weft and over two, under and then over two and finally ending on the other side of the paper. See the image for further explanation.

Begin at the top of the image. Place the strip under the first weft and over two, under and then over two and finally ending on the other side of the paper. See the image for further explanation.

The second strip will only go over one weft on each side. Continue with this color creating the outline of the butterfly.   Reference the pattern on the back for the remaining placements.

The second strip will only go over one weft on each side. Continue with this color creating the outline of the butterfly. Reference the pattern on the back for the remaining placements.

Repeat the steps to complete the bottom wings. Your image will appear very geometric in this weaving.

Repeat the steps to complete the bottom wings. Your image will appear very geometric in this weaving.

Once the outline is complete you are ready to add details with additional colors. Cut these strips into 1/8". Place these strips inside the wings weaving under the outline strips.

Once the outline is complete you are ready to add details with additional colors. Cut these strips into 1/8". Place these strips inside the wings weaving under the outline strips.

Your butterfly is complete. Tape down any loose strips on the back side of the frame.

Your butterfly is complete. Tape down any loose strips on the back side of the frame.

  • Ruler
  • Color or graphic paper
  • Cutting board
  • Exacto knife