How to make a bucket calf bottle

Are you an unexpierienced farmer with a baby calf that wont drink from its mother? If you are than this is the guide to help you replace how to replace your cows milk with home aid calf replacement.


Run warm water and fill the bottom of the gallon sized pitcher

Run warm water and fill the bottom of the gallon sized pitcher

In the replacement milk there is a cup, fill the cup up with the powder

In the replacement milk there is a cup, fill the cup up with the powder

Add a tablespoon of the citri stem to the pitcher

Add a tablespoon of the citri stem to the pitcher

Add more warm water until there is enough to mix the milk with

Add more warm water until there is enough to mix the milk with

Take a wisk and stir it

Take a wisk and stir it

Pour it into the bottle

Pour it into the bottle

Add hot water until the bottle is full

Add hot water until the bottle is full

Put the nipple on

Put the nipple on

Shake it

Shake it

Put the bottle in the calfs mouth

Put the bottle in the calfs mouth

Wash the bottle out and put it back on the rack for next time

Wash the bottle out and put it back on the rack for next time

Now that you can make a bottle for a calf you should know a little bit more about calves.  I hope this helps you and your future bottle making skills.

Now that you can make a bottle for a calf you should know a little bit more about calves. I hope this helps you and your future bottle making skills.

  • Calf bottle
  • Calf nipple
  • Calf replacement milk (powder)
  • Warm water
  • Calf medicine (citri stem)
  • A calf
  • Circular pitcher (1 gallon)
  • Wisk