How to make a booze bouquet

Make a Booze Bouquet


Gather your supplies. Booze bouquets are completely customizable and they're great for any occasion, so your supplies may vary by bouquet. Here are the basics to get you started.

Gather your supplies. Booze bouquets are completely customizable and they're great for any occasion, so your supplies may vary by bouquet. Here are the basics to get you started.

Make sure you've let your glue gun heat up for the appropriate amount of time (follow instructions for your tool.) Glue wooden skewers to the backs of the mini liquor bottles. Hold until glue dries.

Make sure you've let your glue gun heat up for the appropriate amount of time (follow instructions for your tool.) Glue wooden skewers to the backs of the mini liquor bottles. Hold until glue dries.

Glue skewers to shot glasses (or any other goodies you may be using for your bouquet.) Don't be afraid to cut some of the skewers. Remember, a bouquet needs different length stems!

Glue skewers to shot glasses (or any other goodies you may be using for your bouquet.) Don't be afraid to cut some of the skewers. Remember, a bouquet needs different length stems!

Place styrofoam into the container that will be housing your bouquet. You may need to cut the styrofoam to make it fit.

Place styrofoam into the container that will be housing your bouquet. You may need to cut the styrofoam to make it fit.

Start to arrange your items in the styrofoam at different heights. When you have everything positioned cover the styrofoam with the decorative shredded paper.

Start to arrange your items in the styrofoam at different heights. When you have everything positioned cover the styrofoam with the decorative shredded paper.

Voil\u00e0! See how easy that was? Get creative and add bows, ribbons, flowers, etc. Tailor them to meet the specific needs of the occasion/recipient. Each bouquet is an adventure. Cheers!

Voilà! See how easy that was? Get creative and add bows, ribbons, flowers, etc. Tailor them to meet the specific needs of the occasion/recipient. Each bouquet is an adventure. Cheers!

  • Miniature Liquor Bottles
  • Wooden Skewers
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Vase, Flower Pot, (or other choice of container)
  • Styrofoam
  • Bows, Ribbon, Flowers, Other Embellishments
  • Decorative Shredded Paper
  • Plastic Shot Glasses (optional)
  • Other Snaks/Goodies (optional)