How to make a bon voyage card

Make a Bon Voyage Card


Ready your white card

Ready your white card

Take blue ink and sponge over background until evenly coated.

Take blue ink and sponge over background until evenly coated.

Like so

Like so

Take your hot air balloon...

Take your hot air balloon...

And position on card. Stick down with double sided sticky tape

And position on card. Stick down with double sided sticky tape

Stick down cloud stickers

Stick down cloud stickers

Draw a banner and cut out (see how to draw a banner guide)

Draw a banner and cut out (see how to draw a banner guide)

Write in Bon Voyage message and colour spaces blue to match the rest of the card (see hand lettering guide)

Write in Bon Voyage message and colour spaces blue to match the rest of the card (see hand lettering guide)

Position as desired

Position as desired

And glue down!

And glue down!

Ta da! Easy! Please leave any card requests in the comments!! ❤️

  • White card stock
  • Blue ink pad
  • Black fine tip marker
  • Hot air balloon embellishment
  • Art knife
  • Glue
  • Cloud stickers
  • Double sided sticky tape