How to make a bickfords big apple

Make a Bickfords Big Apple


Add eggs, milk, and flour

Add eggs, milk, and flour

Mix carefully so as not to throw the flower everywhere. Try to get it as smooth as possible. It's ok if there are some lumps

Mix carefully so as not to throw the flower everywhere. Try to get it as smooth as possible. It's ok if there are some lumps

Pre heat the oven to 425

Pre heat the oven to 425

Cut yourself 2 tbsp butter

Cut yourself 2 tbsp butter

Start melting the butter

Start melting the butter

Cut your apple. I like this little apple gadget

Cut your apple. I like this little apple gadget

De-skin them and cut into smaller pieces

De-skin them and cut into smaller pieces

Add your melted butter to the 9 inch pie plate

Add your melted butter to the 9 inch pie plate

Move it around so that the butter covers every surface of the bottom

Move it around so that the butter covers every surface of the bottom

Add your mixture to it. Do not stir it up. The butter is your nonstick friend

Add your mixture to it. Do not stir it up. The butter is your nonstick friend

Here's how it looks after u pour it

Here's how it looks after u pour it

Add your apple slices. Just place them on top, no mixing in

Add your apple slices. Just place them on top, no mixing in

Add these guys together in a bowl

Add these guys together in a bowl

Begin to sprinkle the mix on top. It seems like you may have too much. Trust me, in the end it makes it amazing

Begin to sprinkle the mix on top. It seems like you may have too much. Trust me, in the end it makes it amazing

Here's how it looks after you sprinkle it all and before going in the oven

Here's how it looks after you sprinkle it all and before going in the oven

I like to put a cookie sheet under just in case.

I like to put a cookie sheet under just in case.

425 degrees for 15 min

425 degrees for 15 min

After 15 min it should look something like this.

After 15 min it should look something like this.

Set it to broil for about 3-4 min after your 15 min are up so that the top can darken more

Set it to broil for about 3-4 min after your 15 min are up so that the top can darken more

Keep the door ajar as you broil

Keep the door ajar as you broil

Here's after the broil

Here's after the broil

Take it off the cookie sheet so it can cool down

Take it off the cookie sheet so it can cool down

Add some more butter so the cinnamon and sugar can get gooey  * say this in your best Julia child voice*

Add some more butter so the cinnamon and sugar can get gooey * say this in your best Julia child voice*

Hello beautiful. Congrats, you've just made heaven

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 apple
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 9 inch pie plate