How to make a better hatch dog

Make a Better Hatch Dog


This is the commercial hatch dog that  I bought.

This is the commercial hatch dog that I bought.

This is where I started. I'm trying to figure out what angle would work best for the hatch and feel comfortable to me.

This is where I started. I'm trying to figure out what angle would work best for the hatch and feel comfortable to me.

This is my first iteration of the hatch dog. I used plastic parts that I purchased from Bomar hatch company.

This is my first iteration of the hatch dog. I used plastic parts that I purchased from Bomar hatch company.

With very little pressure I was able to compress the gasket to seal the hatch. The angle of the hatch dog was comfortable and I could easily torque it to the tension I needed to seal to hatch.

The creator of this guide has not included tools