How to make a basic friendship bracelet

Make a Basic Friendship Bracelet


Measure string my pulling two and a half arm lengths out, then cutting. Use as many colors as you wish. I will use three strings in three colors.

Measure string my pulling two and a half arm lengths out, then cutting. Use as many colors as you wish. I will use three strings in three colors.

Fold the strings in half, and tie a loop at the end. Secure a safety pin through the loop and attach to your surface (or tape to surface)

Fold the strings in half, and tie a loop at the end. Secure a safety pin through the loop and attach to your surface (or tape to surface)

Take the string farthest on the left and tie a basic knot on the next string in line. Tie two knots on each string.

Take the string farthest on the left and tie a basic knot on the next string in line. Tie two knots on each string.

Now the furthest left string will be on the right. Start at the other side and follow the last step until your bracelet is the desired size.

Now the furthest left string will be on the right. Start at the other side and follow the last step until your bracelet is the desired size.

At the end, slip the loose end of the bracelet through the loop and tie it off around the wrist of the intended recipient. Congratulations, you've finished your bracelet!!

  • 4.0ft Six strand thread
  • Saftey pin or tape
  • Flat surface