How to make a bar agricole sleepyhead

This is a classic brandy based drink. Bar Agricole in San Francisco is a favorite local restaurant and bar. The team from Snapguide enjoys it too. We appreciate them sharing their recipe with us!


Start by making a simple syrup. Combine equal parts water and sugar at room temperature. I'm going to make a large amount (approx 20 oz) to use later.

Start by making a simple syrup. Combine equal parts water and sugar at room temperature. I'm going to make a large amount (approx 20 oz) to use later.

To be exact weigh the water.

To be exact weigh the water.

And then weigh the sugar.

And then weigh the sugar.

Normally, when making a simple syrup you boil the water and sugar. However, for this recipe you should simply combine the sugar and water at room temperature.

Normally, when making a simple syrup you boil the water and sugar. However, for this recipe you should simply combine the sugar and water at room temperature.

Stir the sugar and water until well combined.

Stir the sugar and water until well combined.

Bottle the simple syrup and set aside.

Bottle the simple syrup and set aside.

Next, we are going to make a Ginger Syrup. To do this we are going to combine equal parts ginger, water and sugar. Again, I'm going to make a large amount (approx 20 oz) for later.

Next, we are going to make a Ginger Syrup. To do this we are going to combine equal parts ginger, water and sugar. Again, I'm going to make a large amount (approx 20 oz) for later.

Cut up the ginger into pieces.

Cut up the ginger into pieces.

Weigh out the sugar.

Weigh out the sugar.

Weigh out the water. It's ok if things aren't perfectly even - just get close. ;)

Weigh out the water. It's ok if things aren't perfectly even - just get close. ;)

Combine the ginger, water and sugar in a blender at high speed for approximately 1 minute.

Combine the ginger, water and sugar in a blender at high speed for approximately 1 minute.

Let the ginger mixture settle for a few minutes.

Let the ginger mixture settle for a few minutes.

Carefully strain the ginger mixture through cheesecloth into a container.

Carefully strain the ginger mixture through cheesecloth into a container.

Bottle the ginger syrup and set aside.

Bottle the ginger syrup and set aside.

Using a vegetable peel slice the orange into strips.

Using a vegetable peel slice the orange into strips.

Add the following to a cocktail shaker: 1 1/2 oz brandy, 3/4 oz lime juice, 1/2 oz simple syrup, 1/2 oz ginger syrup, several ice cubes, a strip of orange peel, and 3 mint leaves.

Add the following to a cocktail shaker: 1 1/2 oz brandy, 3/4 oz lime juice, 1/2 oz simple syrup, 1/2 oz ginger syrup, several ice cubes, a strip of orange peel, and 3 mint leaves.

Cover the cocktail shaker and carefully shake aggressively for at least 10 seconds. The shaker will begin to get very cold!

Cover the cocktail shaker and carefully shake aggressively for at least 10 seconds. The shaker will begin to get very cold!

When you're done shaking the beverage should have a nice foam on top.

When you're done shaking the beverage should have a nice foam on top.

Add a hawthorne strainer to the top of your cocktail shaker. Then, filter your drink through a fine mesh strainer into a chilled serving cup.

Add a hawthorne strainer to the top of your cocktail shaker. Then, filter your drink through a fine mesh strainer into a chilled serving cup.

Add a few splashes of champagne.

Add a few splashes of champagne.


  • 1/2oz Brandy
  • 3/4oz Lime juice
  • 1/2oz Simple syrup
  • 1/2oz Ginger syrup
  • 3.0 Mint leaves
  • Orange peel
  • Splash cava brut champagne
  • Ice cubes
  • Strainer
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Cheesecloth
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Hawthorne strainer
  • Fine mesh strainer