How to make a baby gate from an old wood door

Make a Baby Gate From an Old Wood Door


Find an old wood door. We bought ours at an antique store for $20. I forgot to take a pic of the door before we cut it. Sorry.

Measure the width of the space wanted to block. We measured the inside of the trim so the door could easily open and close.

Measure the width of the space wanted to block. We measured the inside of the trim so the door could easily open and close.

Turn the door sideways and cut to measurement.

Turn the door sideways and cut to measurement.

Sand and paint to desired color.

Sand and paint to desired color.

Drill holes and attach door hinges.

Drill holes and attach door hinges.

Add trim piece on "opening" side to hold lock guide and match trim.

Add trim piece on "opening" side to hold lock guide and match trim.

Add larger trim piece to attach hinges. This piece I screwed into a stud then the door is attached to it.

Add larger trim piece to attach hinges. This piece I screwed into a stud then the door is attached to it.

Add lock inside and far enough down so small hands can't reach.

Add lock inside and far enough down so small hands can't reach.

Hang door!! We have had this up for over a month and I LOVE it!!! It looks nice and is easy to open and close.

It even looks nice open.

It even looks nice open.

  • Old wood door with door knob
  • Paint
  • Two door hinges
  • Locking mechanism
  • Trim pieces
  • Wood screws