How to make a baby elephant with fondant

Make a Baby Elephant With Fondant


The things you need to make a baby elephant : - Fondant - Fondant tools (They aren't necessary and I will tell you what to use as you move forward) - Water  - Paint Brush - Piping Nozzle  - Sponge Mat

The things you need to make a baby elephant : - Fondant - Fondant tools (They aren't necessary and I will tell you what to use as you move forward) - Water - Paint Brush - Piping Nozzle - Sponge Mat

Make two similar looking balls with the fondant, the body should be a little bigger

Make two similar looking balls with the fondant, the body should be a little bigger

To make the body of the Elephant - the bottom needs to be Wide and the top - Narrow. Just like the picture.

To make the body of the Elephant - the bottom needs to be Wide and the top - Narrow. Just like the picture.

To form the head - Use the smaller ball of Fondant, Pull on one side to form the trunk.

To form the head - Use the smaller ball of Fondant, Pull on one side to form the trunk.

Keep stretching to make it very narrow. and turn his trunk upwards.

Keep stretching to make it very narrow. and turn his trunk upwards.

To make the elephants feet - roll the fondant forming the same technique as his body. Narrow on one side and broad on the other.  You'll need to make 4 - two need to be smaller

To make the elephants feet - roll the fondant forming the same technique as his body. Narrow on one side and broad on the other. You'll need to make 4 - two need to be smaller

Using a nozzle you can give the legs some definition.  Do it on all four.Use the Paint brush and water stick the bigger feet on the sides of his body - the smaller ones on the front as in the pictures

Using a nozzle you can give the legs some definition. Do it on all four.Use the Paint brush and water stick the bigger feet on the sides of his body - the smaller ones on the front as in the pictures

Stick a toothpick right in the centre to hold his head in place

Stick a toothpick right in the centre to hold his head in place

Using that fondant tool - you give a little definition to his legs and trunk. using the nozzle, make a whole in his trunk like you did to his feet

Using that fondant tool - you give a little definition to his legs and trunk. using the nozzle, make a whole in his trunk like you did to his feet

Cut out two circles for his ears. You can stick them straight on his head if you dont want to add more definition. I personally feel he looks cuter with big ears

Cut out two circles for his ears. You can stick them straight on his head if you dont want to add more definition. I personally feel he looks cuter with big ears

Using the sponge mat and fondant tool give the ear definition as shown in the following pictures.

Using the sponge mat and fondant tool give the ear definition as shown in the following pictures.

Use a little water to stick the ears at the back of his head

Use a little water to stick the ears at the back of his head

You can either use A food writer or black food coloring or even a clove or black pepper.  Just saying

You can either use A food writer or black food coloring or even a clove or black pepper. Just saying

And there you go ☺️ A Fondant Baby Elephant

  • Pink fondant
  • Fondant Tools
  • Piping Nozzle
  • Water
  • Paint Brush
  • Sponge Mat