How to make a ancient egyptian pyramid

Make a Ancient Egyptian Pyramid


First you need a big flat place.

First you need a big flat place.

Build the first step of the pyramid on one side

Build the first step of the pyramid on one side

Do the same all around the other sides

Do the same all around the other sides

Then to go up a level put one block on the side then one on top of that one like in the picture

Then to go up a level put one block on the side then one on top of that one like in the picture

Keep on going up

Keep on going up

Almost there!

Almost there!

Once you are done..............

Once you are done..............

Add a entrance so you can decorate the inside

Add a entrance so you can decorate the inside

Add a lot of torches, you'll need a lot of light

Add a lot of torches, you'll need a lot of light

Then make a sarcophagus  . What I've done is I've put beds beside each other and then covered it with gold

Then make a sarcophagus . What I've done is I've put beds beside each other and then covered it with gold

Now you will need some symbols to safety help the spirit to the is the symbol for horus to safely guide the spirit........

Now you will need some symbols to safety help the spirit to the is the symbol for horus to safely guide the spirit........

And here is the spine of Osiris,the god of the dead.i put this here to show support to osiris to give the right decision.

And here is the spine of Osiris,the god of the dead.i put this here to show support to osiris to give the right decision.

And that's how you make an Egyptian pyramid. I did it in minecraft because I could never have of gotten all the limestone and all the workers in one place and I wouldn't have the time.

  • 2000 workers
  • Large quantity of limestone
  • Mud(for ramp)
  • Minecraft(optional)