How to make a 5 string braid

Make a 5 String Braid


Cut out 5 different color strings, arms length, and tie a knot at the top to connect them. Lay them out on a table or flat surface.

Cut out 5 different color strings, arms length, and tie a knot at the top to connect them. Lay them out on a table or flat surface.

Tape your strings down, and begin the bracelet, by picking up the string farthest to the left.

Tape your strings down, and begin the bracelet, by picking up the string farthest to the left.

You take that string(in my case the green string) and cross over the two strings next to it, so the green string would now be in the middle.

You take that string(in my case the green string) and cross over the two strings next to it, so the green string would now be in the middle.

Now, you go over to the right side, and pick up the farthest string on the right. In my case, it was the yellow string.

Now, you go over to the right side, and pick up the farthest string on the right. In my case, it was the yellow string.

You do the same thing you did with the green string, but from the other side. :) Take the yellow string, and cross over to the right, over the two strings next to it, so that its now in the middle. :)

You do the same thing you did with the green string, but from the other side. :) Take the yellow string, and cross over to the right, over the two strings next to it, so that its now in the middle. :)

To continue the pattern, you just repeat the steps that I just went through. By taking the string on the outside, and crossing over two strings into the middle. The bracelet is really like a braid. :)

Once you get going, the bracelet should start to look like this... Depending on your color choice of course! :) Tie a knot once you reach your desired length, and your done! :)

I made mine really long and then put a charm on it to make a necklace! It turned out really cool! I hope you enjoyed my guide! Comment please, and tell me how I did and what you think! Thanks again!:)

I made mine really long and then put a charm on it to make a necklace! It turned out really cool! I hope you enjoyed my guide! Comment please, and tell me how I did and what you think! Thanks again!:)

  • 5 different colored strings
  • Tape