How to make a 3d origami star (5 point, modular unit)
Adapted from Sandra M. Gobert's YouTube video. Not one of my favorites, but maybe I need to try again.
Fold in half diagonally.
Fold edges to center.
Fold top right to center.
Fold top left to center.
Fold in back sides are touching. See the flaps are on the front.
Crease from my finger to that pointer thing right along the edge of that fold.
Here I am creasing it.
Starting at the tips, pinch all the down until...
It's flat &...
Looks like this...a "V"
Ok. Look under the "V" and dig outthe flaps...
Now they're pulled out.
Squish it back flat.
Like this.
Make a total of 5.
Glue the flaps. After doing this, I suggest white glue for easier sliding around.
Set two like this...flaps go into the other.
Like so.
Glue 3 together & then glue 2 together.
Pinch like this & wriggle the other set in there.
It's tricky, be patient. Maybe stick a marble or something in center.
- Paper
- Glue
Ellie Kneeland
ℓᎥƘƎ ᗩИ ⚙C̤̈✞⚙ƤυƧ ⚙И Я⚙ℓℓƎЯ ƧƘᗩ✞ƎƧ\nThese are not my designs; I'm just trying to keep origami alive. Please enjoy & pass along what you learn. ?ellie
Corona, California
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