How to make a 3d matrix in nvivo (1 theme, 2 attributes)
If you have demographic information in NVivo, you can use a matrix query to explore a theme by a combination of attributes (like age and gender). Kind of like a 3D matrix.
Create a new Matrix Coding query
To put age groups in the rows of your matrix - choose Attribute Condition and click Select.
Choose each age group and add it to the list.
Your list should look something like this. Click the Columns tab at the top of the window.
To put genders in the columns of your matrix; choose Attribute Condition, select Male and add it to the list. Do the same for Female.
From the 'In' list, select the theme node you want to explore.
For example - let's see what people of different ages and genders had to say about 'water quality'.
Run the query.
Looks like 60-69 year old men had a lot to say about water quality - double-click the cell to see the content. Is this gender/age group over-represented in your data or is something else going on?
This technique is handy but a bit advanced. To get to grips with coding or demographic data, come to you'll find plenty of info to get you started and to keep you going.
- 1.0 Make case nodes for people
- 2.0 Classify the nodes as 'person'
- 3.0 Assign age and gender
- 4.0 Code data at 'person' nodes
- 5.0 Code data at theme nodes
- 6.0 Intersect coding in a matrix...
Kathleen Mcniff
Technical Communicator at QSR International. Keen on NVivo, online communities and content strategy. Snapguides let me combine it all. Nice one.
Melbourne Australia
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