How to make 5 minute brownie in a mug!

Eggless brownies in 5 minutes! Serves ONE.


Hey! Today you're going to get those cravings under control in 5 minutes! ;) First grab your mug!

Hey! Today you're going to get those cravings under control in 5 minutes! ;) First grab your mug!

Gather all your ingredients as well! Sorry for the ugly, messy kitchen.

Gather all your ingredients as well! Sorry for the ugly, messy kitchen.

Melt the butter in a bowl, then add to the mug. While it's melting I usually add the water to mug.

Melt the butter in a bowl, then add to the mug. While it's melting I usually add the water to mug.

Add the water if you haven't already.

Add the water if you haven't already.

After adding the water and butter add the vanilla. Mix that together.

After adding the water and butter add the vanilla. Mix that together.

Add the salt. (NOT directly from box)

Add the salt. (NOT directly from box)

Add all that sugar! If you want to cut down you may, just not a lot so it doesn't disturb the recipe balance. 1 tbsp at the most.

Add all that sugar! If you want to cut down you may, just not a lot so it doesn't disturb the recipe balance. 1 tbsp at the most.

Mix it up!

Mix it up!

Go loco with the Cocoa! (Follow the measurements! XD)

Go loco with the Cocoa! (Follow the measurements! XD)

Finally, add the flour! :D

Finally, add the flour! :D

Mix mix mix, mix mix mix, mix that brownie! Mix it all yeee!

Mix mix mix, mix mix mix, mix that brownie! Mix it all yeee!

Should look like so.

Should look like so.

Microwave 1 - 1 1/2 minutes. Then, remove. CAUTION: HOT!

Microwave 1 - 1 1/2 minutes. Then, remove. CAUTION: HOT!

Now is a good time to add some toppings! Mmm.

Enjoy! Thanks for reading my very first, very bad quality guide on heaven in your mouth, in 5 minutes! ;)

Enjoy! Thanks for reading my very first, very bad quality guide on heaven in your mouth, in 5 minutes! ;)

  • 2.0Tbsp Butter or Margerine
  • 2.0Tbsp Water
  • 1.0tsp Vanilla extract
  • Dash of salt
  • 4.0Tbsp Sugar
  • 2.0Tbsp Cocoa powder
  • 2.0Tbsp Flour (white or all purpose)
  • 1.0 Mug