Climate and Weather: The climate of New Hampshire is classified as human continental. It has humid summers and long, cold winters.
History: New Hampshire was created for profit for tradind, selling, and fishing.
Location New Hampshire is located east of Vermont, west of Maine, and north of Massachusettes. Its geographical location is 45°N, 73°W.
Food Food in New Hampshire included wild animals, turkey, berries, fruit, potatoes, turnips, and apple butter.
Resources Resources of New Hampshire include fishing, furs, and lumber.
Population - The population of New Hampshire in 1750 was 27,505.
Government - The government was mot stable. They didn't have any laws, besides the ones from England. The towns tried to but Massachusetts claimed territory, preventing this.
Job Information - Jobs in New Hampshire was subsistence farming, craftspeople (such as a blacksmiths, shoemakers, furniture makers, gunsmiths, metalsmiths, and printers), shipbuilding, and seafood).
Education - Kids went to school to learn about reading and trade. Boys went to grammar school to learn writing, math, etc. However, girls were not allowed to go.
Religion - New Hampshire was inhabited by Puritans. They didn't tolerate any other religion.
Social/Cultural Events - The cultural events in New Hampshire are mostly based around religion, like Christmas and Lent.
Cost of Land/Living - Farnland, cleared, no barn - $3,500 Farmland, cleared, barn and cabin - $7,000
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