How to learn about the human brain cell

Learn About the Human Brain Cell


The human brain cells are long and branch out as seen in the photo they branch out like this so they can reach and go to other parts of the body so you can control your self.

The human brain cells are long and branch out as seen in the photo they branch out like this so they can reach and go to other parts of the body so you can control your self.

Parkinson's is a disease where the Brain cells are defective and it causes uncontrollable shaking

Parkinson's is a disease where the Brain cells are defective and it causes uncontrollable shaking

To diagnose a problem with the Brain cells a biopsies can be done.

To diagnose a problem with the Brain cells a biopsies can be done.

This is the hierarchical organization of the nervous system, 1st is the brain cell

This is the hierarchical organization of the nervous system, 1st is the brain cell

2nd is brain tissue

2nd is brain tissue

3rd is the brain

3rd is the brain

Next is the nervous system

Next is the nervous system

Then a human

Then a human

To be health you can make life style choices such as - working out , eating good, getting enough sleep, stay away from smoke, and always use sun screen when out side.

To be health you can make life style choices such as - working out , eating good, getting enough sleep, stay away from smoke, and always use sun screen when out side.

Caramelization is a chemical reaction in cooking. It happens when the sugar In something is heated to a vary high heat and turns to a brown colour.

Caramelization is a chemical reaction in cooking. It happens when the sugar In something is heated to a vary high heat and turns to a brown colour.

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