How to kool aid dye yarn

Kool Aid Dye Yarn


Soak your yarn in a bowl of warm water until saturated. Gently squeeze out excess water and transfer to the dish you'll be microwaving in. Mix Kool Aid with 8 fl.oz water per sachet.

Soak your yarn in a bowl of warm water until saturated. Gently squeeze out excess water and transfer to the dish you'll be microwaving in. Mix Kool Aid with 8 fl.oz water per sachet.

Black! Well actually, no, it's Grape purple. Mix the Kool Aid well to get rid of any lumps.

Black! Well actually, no, it's Grape purple. Mix the Kool Aid well to get rid of any lumps.

Dye, dye, dye! :D You may need to add a little more water if you're not getting the dye through your yarn.

Dye, dye, dye! :D You may need to add a little more water if you're not getting the dye through your yarn.

Pour the liquid Kool Aid over the damp yarn, either in a pattern, for variegated colours, or all over and mixed through for solid colours.

Pour the liquid Kool Aid over the damp yarn, either in a pattern, for variegated colours, or all over and mixed through for solid colours.

This is my favourite way to dye variegated colours. Beware, Kool Aid stains!

This is my favourite way to dye variegated colours. Beware, Kool Aid stains!

When your yarn is colourful, cover the bowl with cling film and microwave on full power for 2mins. Let the yarn stand for 2mins before checking. Repeat until liquid is clear.

When the water is clear, the yarn has absorbed all the dye. Watch out for felting!

When the water is clear, the yarn has absorbed all the dye. Watch out for felting!

When the liquid is clear, leave to cool and then tip away. Gently soak the yarn in warm water and rinse out any leftover KA. Don't agitate or rub or you'll end up with felted yarn.

When the liquid is clear, leave to cool and then tip away. Gently soak the yarn in warm water and rinse out any leftover KA. Don't agitate or rub or you'll end up with felted yarn.

Leave to drip dry and marvel at your creativity!

Leave to drip dry and marvel at your creativity!

100% wool yarn works best for Kool Aid dying, IMHO, but you can use any natural fibre; silk, cotton, viscose etc...

100% wool yarn works best for Kool Aid dying, IMHO, but you can use any natural fibre; silk, cotton, viscose etc...

  • Kool Aid pouches
  • 8.0oz Water (8 fl.oz per pouch)
  • 1.0 Microwave
  • 1.0 Tupperware/dish
  • 1.0 Spoon (to stir)
  • 1.0 Measuring jug
  • 1.0 Cling film
  • 1.0 Container/beaker per colour