How to know where to put your fingers on the flute



Thumb key

Thumb key

The keys are labeled by numbers as you can see

The pinky key

The pinky key

These keys are only used for 2 notes. Ther is no specific name for them.

These keys are only used for 2 notes. Ther is no specific name for them.

On some flutes ther is an extra key. It makes a low B, but my flute can't go down to a low Bb because it doesn't have that extra key. My flute can only go to a C

On some flutes ther is an extra key. It makes a low B, but my flute can't go down to a low Bb because it doesn't have that extra key. My flute can only go to a C

You but your thumb on the thumb key

You but your thumb on the thumb key

Pointer- 1  middle-2   ring-3

Pointer- 1 middle-2 ring-3

Pinky finger goes on the foot, or sometimes people call it the golf club key

Pinky finger goes on the foot, or sometimes people call it the golf club key

On your second hand... Pointer-1 Middle-2 Ring-3 and then you pinky finger goes on the pinky key. Also see my thumb? It goes in between 1&2

On your second hand... Pointer-1 Middle-2 Ring-3 and then you pinky finger goes on the pinky key. Also see my thumb? It goes in between 1&2

Remember to make sure you hands are in the right place... Look at the pictures carefully. Enjoy:)

  • Flute
  • Fingers😜:P