How to know if your iphone has water damage

Know if Your iPhone Has Water Damage


Whether baptized in the backyard pool or the lake, the end result is usually the same: a dead device. Sometimes they can be coaxed back to life by drying; sometimes they need more help than that.

But most unfortunately, the standard iPhone warranty doesn't cover water damage

To save yourself some time and let you understand what your options are, it's good to know how to check for water damage on the iPhone yourself

Apple has built moisture indicators into iPhones. They normally appear either white, but when they get wet they turn red. They will not trip under normal use,even if u live in an area of high humidity

But before u do a check for water damage, do a reality check:-it obviously would have water damage if you threw it into a lake and fished it out later

Check for iPhone 5

Turn your iPhone to the side which has the nano SIM slot

Turn your iPhone to the side which has the nano SIM slot

There will be a small pin like object in the box of your apple device used to open the slot

There will be a small pin like object in the box of your apple device used to open the slot

Use the pin to open the slot

Use the pin to open the slot

Take out the SIM card

Take out the SIM card

Using a torchlight look into the SIM-slot. You will c a small circle. If it is white then be assured, your iPhone is not under water damage. But if it is red in color then your iPhone has water damage

Using a torchlight look into the SIM-slot. You will c a small circle. If it is white then be assured, your iPhone is not under water damage. But if it is red in color then your iPhone has water damage

For iPhone 4/4s

Take a torchlight and flash it into the headphone jack and charger slot and look for a white spot. If it is red then your iPhone has water damage

The creator of this guide has not included tools