How to keep your jewelry from tarnishing

Save your jewelry in with one quick tool.


First find a well ventilated area

Spread out your protective barrier for your jewelry. I am using old newspaper

Just plain ole flyers

Just plain ole flyers

Lay out your jewelry

Lay out your jewelry

At this time if you are sensitive to smells or harsh chemicals, you may want to put on the gloves and mask.

Grab your acrylic and begin the process.

Grab your acrylic and begin the process.

Air dry at least 20 mins before storing or wearing.

Air dry at least 20 mins before storing or wearing.

Voila!! Beats nail polish anyday. Be sure to clean the backs w alcohol before wearing.

Voila!! Beats nail polish anyday. Be sure to clean the backs w alcohol before wearing.

  • Protective covering
  • Acrylic crystal clear
  • Glove ( opt )
  • Mask ( opt )
  • Well ventilated area
  • Your jewelry