How to keep your fresh mani from smudging

Keep Your Fresh Mani From Smudging


The first tip: ALWAYS GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE BEGINNING!! Trust me on this one, It ALWAYS helps to go the bathroom BEFORE painting your nails. No one wants to mess their hard work up!!!

I know the picture isn't very good, but see that blob with the pearl in the middle? Yeah that started off as a flower. But now it's a blob. Why? Because I touched it. I couldn't resist the desire to

Touch it. It does leave your fingerprint on it, but eventually it'll go away. But that doesn't help anything, because touching it just messed that shape up. 😱

Last tip: find something interesting to do that won't hurt your mani. Mine, obviously, is reading. Hopefully your activity will be so fun that you'll do it until your nails are dry!!

Last tip: find something interesting to do that won't hurt your mani. Mine, obviously, is reading. Hopefully your activity will be so fun that you'll do it until your nails are dry!!

There's probably a million other ways to not smudge your manicure, but I hope you liked these!! Thanks for reading!!

  • 1.0 Newly finished mani