How to keep thread/string from getting tangled up

This will show how to store your string so it doesn't tangle. Additional tips at the end. :)


So you have all this floss for making bracelets and its a mess right?! Mine too lol... I've let it get outta hand, and this isn't even half if what I have at the moment. Lets fix it shall we?

So you have all this floss for making bracelets and its a mess right?! Mine too lol... I've let it get outta hand, and this isn't even half if what I have at the moment. Lets fix it shall we?

These are bobbins. They hold and organize your floss easily and prevent tangles. I'm going to show you how to use and make them.

You'll need one of these or something similar. You can also store them in other ways but this is the most compact.

You'll need one of these or something similar. You can also store them in other ways but this is the most compact.

It has compartments that are perfectly sized for bobbins.

It has compartments that are perfectly sized for bobbins.

This is a skein. A whole skein will fit in a bobbin but its pretty pointless since its already nicely folded...

This is a skein. A whole skein will fit in a bobbin but its pretty pointless since its already nicely folded...

It's this mess that make bobbins a necessity! You start using it and then bam! It's a big ol' mess...

It's this mess that make bobbins a necessity! You start using it and then bam! It's a big ol' mess...

Separate your first string.

Separate your first string.

Get your bobbin ready. I'll show you how to make one a few steps down the line. These can be purchased at craft stores in different sized packs. This is DMC brand but I'm sure others make them too.

Get your bobbin ready. I'll show you how to make one a few steps down the line. These can be purchased at craft stores in different sized packs. This is DMC brand but I'm sure others make them too.

Insert the tail end of you string into one if the slots.

Insert the tail end of you string into one if the slots.

Hold it with your thumb to keep it from slipping.

Hold it with your thumb to keep it from slipping.

Begin wrapping you string tightly around the bobbin going over the tail.

Begin wrapping you string tightly around the bobbin going over the tail.

Do this until the tail is secure and you can remove your thumb.

Do this until the tail is secure and you can remove your thumb.

Continue wrapping until there is only a short tail left.

Continue wrapping until there is only a short tail left.

Going in the same direction wrap the floss around the smaller portion created by the two slots.

Going in the same direction wrap the floss around the smaller portion created by the two slots.

Like so. Label it with the floss is number.

Like so. Label it with the floss is number.

Store it.

Store it.

I got lazy and stopped organizing it by color lol.

I got lazy and stopped organizing it by color lol.

To make more bobbins, lay a bobbin down on cardboard. Cereal boxes work great for this.

To make more bobbins, lay a bobbin down on cardboard. Cereal boxes work great for this.

Trace it. Don't forget the slots.

Trace it. Don't forget the slots.

Cut it out and use it. Voil\u00e0!

Cut it out and use it. Voilà!

Index cards are good too, but they can be flimsy, make sure not to wrap too tightly or they will bend.

Index cards are good too, but they can be flimsy, make sure not to wrap too tightly or they will bend.

Here's a picture that you can use as a template if you'd rather not buy any. Make them any size you'd like really!!

Here's a picture that you can use as a template if you'd rather not buy any. Make them any size you'd like really!!

Tips: 🔹you can use the floss still attached to the bobbin to help keep strings strait when using to make bracelets. 🔹You can precut your strings to a preferred length before winding. I do 40inches.

If you have any questions please comment!

  • Thread/string/embroidery floss
  • Cardboard, thin plastic or index cards
  • Scissors
  • Writing utensil