How to keep batteries secure

Keep Batteries Secure


Batteries are great but improperly stored batteries lose charge & can leak acid. However, the scariest is that an improperly stored 9-V could start a fire. Yes, you read that right--a fire.

Batteries are great but improperly stored batteries lose charge & can leak acid. However, the scariest is that an improperly stored 9-V could start a fire. Yes, you read that right--a fire.

Gather your batteries, a pair of scissors, and electrical tape.

Gather your batteries, a pair of scissors, and electrical tape.

For AAA and AA batteries, set them side by side and line up the charges.

For AAA and AA batteries, set them side by side and line up the charges.

Don't line them up like this--unless you want a dead battery.

Don't line them up like this--unless you want a dead battery.

Take the electrical tape and wrap it around the center of the two batteries. Bundling them together.

Take the electrical tape and wrap it around the center of the two batteries. Bundling them together.

Awe! Aren't they precious? Now that they are bundled together it's time to protect the ends.

Awe! Aren't they precious? Now that they are bundled together it's time to protect the ends.

Use enough electrical tape to cover the top and bottom of the batteries. This prevents current from flowing if the batteries come in contact with another battery or metal.

Use enough electrical tape to cover the top and bottom of the batteries. This prevents current from flowing if the batteries come in contact with another battery or metal.

Ready for beddie-bye. Now that you have your batteries all snug in their little bed, you can put them in your pack.

Ready for beddie-bye. Now that you have your batteries all snug in their little bed, you can put them in your pack.

9V batteries are a little different as both the negative and positive ends are right next to each other. Measure out enough electrical tape to cover both ends and extend down the sides of the battery.

9V batteries are a little different as both the negative and positive ends are right next to each other. Measure out enough electrical tape to cover both ends and extend down the sides of the battery.

Cut the tape. Press the tape against the positive and negative clips. (The round shiny metal thingys that some people get conned into touching with their tongues and then soon regret.)

Cut the tape. Press the tape against the positive and negative clips. (The round shiny metal thingys that some people get conned into touching with their tongues and then soon regret.)

Fold the tape down the sides of the battery. This helps keep the tape secure.

Fold the tape down the sides of the battery. This helps keep the tape secure.

Do some folding of the tape to secure the area on top of the battery.

Do some folding of the tape to secure the area on top of the battery.

Kind of like wrapping a present just without the paper cuts.

Kind of like wrapping a present just without the paper cuts.

A small coin purse is great for keeping batteries organized.

A small coin purse is great for keeping batteries organized.

  • in Electrical tape
  • part Scissors
  • part Batteries