How to juice the green stuff

Juice the Green Stuff


My breville juice maker ( I don't work for breville )

My breville juice maker ( I don't work for breville )

Some pineapple

Some pineapple

Sticking with the green theme

Sticking with the green theme

Spinach (blah )

Spinach (blah )

Quarter of lemon

Quarter of lemon

Did you know you fruit should begin with the number 4 or higher anything under that means its been genetically modified! So my lemon is ok ;o)

Did you know you fruit should begin with the number 4 or higher anything under that means its been genetically modified! So my lemon is ok ;o)

More Green stuff that I got talked into buying its a fancy cabbage good for your heart makes you fart!

More Green stuff that I got talked into buying its a fancy cabbage good for your heart makes you fart!

Here we go

Here we go

Looks nasty.

Looks nasty.

This is the leftover for the compost

This is the leftover for the compost

Stir it all together

Stir it all together

Pour onto ice in your fancy jar from ( taste better in a jar, old jam one will do)

Pour onto ice in your fancy jar from ( taste better in a jar, old jam one will do)

And there we go , you could add coconut water as well but that's almost the to hard basket if I have to get something else .

  • 2 apples
  • 1/4 pineapple
  • Bunche of spinach
  • 1/4 lemon
  • Leaf of fancy cabbage