How to jailbreak your idevice 📲

Jailbreak Your iDevice 📲


Jailbreaking is pretty simple. All you need is you idevice and it's charge cable and your PC.

First what you want to do is go to settings and see what software your running. You can find it in 'General' at 'About.'

Once you've found out, go onto the Internet and search RedsnOw and your iOS software you are running.

Download and open up zip folder. In it you while find the program.

Once you have opened the program. Follow the instructions given. They will do it with you step-by-step.

When you have completed that your device should load a black screen with writing on it. It is loading the jailbreak.

You will know if your successful is your device reboots. I've jailbroken my device twice and I haven't had any problems.

Please like, comment and follow. Hope it helps :)

  • You'll need your iDevice
  • Your iDevices charge cable
  • And a computer with Internet