Get ready to weigh out the sand and onion with a medium or large weighing boat.
Slice up about 20 grams of yellow onion.
And about 20 grams of acid-washed sand.
Add chopped onions and sand to a mortar and pestle that has been kept on ice.
Grind up the onion and sand vigorously to break up the cells of the onion. It should be a mushy paste.
Weigh out 10 grams of NaCl.
And 10 ml of simple liquid dishwashing liquid.
Dissolve the salt and detergent in 100 mL of water. Use a hot plate to warm it up. Add 30 mL of the solution to a beaker with your onion mush. Stir for 5 minutes at 60C.
Use cheesecloth to strain out the solids from the liquid.
Slowly pour absolute ethanol down the side of the beaker so it forms a layer on top of your cell extract solution. DNA will precipitate at the interface.
Use a glass stir rod to spool out the DNA from solution. Turn the rod at the interface, but don't stir and mix the aqueous and alcoholic parts.
Transfer the DNA to a test tube containing 95% ethanol.
- 1.0 Mortar and pestle
- 1.0 Yellow onion
- Sand
- Ivory (or similar) liquid dish washing detergent
- NaCl
- Absolute ethanol
- Citrate buffer
- 2.0ml Glucose solution
- 2.0ml Ribose solution
- 2.0ml Deoxyribose solution
- 10.0yd Diphenylamine reagent
- 95% ethanol
- 1.0 Cheese cloth
- 4.0 Test tubes