How to inject the cat

if you have a diabetic pet you can use this simple trick to give them their daily injection


Locate the cat, make sure he's hungry. He usually is

Locate the cat, make sure he's hungry. He usually is

Find the dry food and the needles in the pantry cupboard

Find the dry food and the needles in the pantry cupboard

get a tin of wet food too

get a tin of wet food too

the insulin needs to be kept cold, it's in the fridge

the insulin needs to be kept cold, it's in the fridge

Take out the insulin vile and roll it in your hands to warm it up. It needs a little mixing

draw out about 3 units of insulin from the vile. Cats are small, they don't need much

draw out about 3 units of insulin from the vile. Cats are small, they don't need much

I think he suspects something

I think he suspects something

Dish out about 1/4 can of wet food on a small plate. This will be used to distract him

Dish out about 1/4 can of wet food on a small plate. This will be used to distract him

The cat will be waiting impatiently

The cat will be waiting impatiently

Place the plate on the floor, he'll dive in. Fill the dry food bowl too, he'll eat that later. Now that he's busy eating you can sneak up on him with the needle. He won't notice

Place the plate on the floor, he'll dive in. Fill the dry food bowl too, he'll eat that later. Now that he's busy eating you can sneak up on him with the needle. He won't notice

gently lift the loose skin on the scruff and make a small tent with your fingers. This is where the injection goes

gently lift the loose skin on the scruff and make a small tent with your fingers. This is where the injection goes

carefully inject the insulin under the skin. It won't hurt, he's too busy eating

carefully inject the insulin under the skin. It won't hurt, he's too busy eating

Put the insulin and wet food back in the fridge

Put the insulin and wet food back in the fridge

Done! Cat is happy

Done! Cat is happy

  • cat
  • cat food
  • insulin
  • needle