How to incorporate redstone in projects

Incorporate Redstone in Projects


I've been using redstone for about 4-5 years now, and before this class I was just using it for fun and to express my creativity for engineering and technology.

So, when I found out we could use minecraft in class, I automatically just moved to using redstone as a source for completing work.

Originally, I was just going to incorporate redstone into the playable games that we were making in class-

-but as I found my peers asking for more and more help with the things they wanted to accomplish in the game Mr. Issacs decided I would be more useful as a helper rather than a designer, and I agreed.

That's when I grouped up with Nicky and Will to help work on their game and improve it with redstone.

This is the redstone behind the "trapdoor" to the first challenge.

This is the redstone behind the "trapdoor" to the first challenge.

This is the redstone behind the "slimeblock elevator" leading outside.

This is the redstone behind the "slimeblock elevator" leading outside.

This is the redstone behind the "mini-drawbridge" from the lever puzzle.

This is the redstone behind the "mini-drawbridge" from the lever puzzle.

I worked on these contraption while tweaking them based on Nicky and Will's suggestions.

The creator of this guide has not included tools