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How to improve your writing 2: romance

Improve Your Writing 2: Romance


As a children's writer, I was a bit concerned about adding romance to my writing. But then I asked myself...

Why are the Disney princess movies so popular?

Why are the Disney princess movies so popular?

If you, like me, are a children's author, you will want to keep romance as a very small part of your writing. It's pretty cliche anyway.

If your books are aimed at teens or adults, use your brain. And keep it clean--a dirty romance novel will scare away more readers than it will attract.

Since I'm a children's writer, I'll use romance in a children's sense.

Try to keep kissing to a minimum.

Hugs are better.

Hugs are better.

Make sure that your characters are old enough to be in a relationship--12 as a bare minimum, for example. Younger than that and try a friendship approach.

Depending on when your novel is set, romantic ages will differ. Pioneer girls would start husband-hunting as early as age 13, while today there are people marrying at 30+.

Depending on when your novel is set, romantic ages will differ. Pioneer girls would start husband-hunting as early as age 13, while today there are people marrying at 30+.

Drama and romance go hand in hand. Can't you see a damsel in distress fainting into her lover's arms? A weeping girl promising her heart to her dying fiancé?

It's easy to get carried away with romantic drama. Add it here and there for suspense, but don't have the hot girl faint after we find out her dad is dying and she's been sobbing for 5 paragraphs.

Stay tuned for more writing tips!! God bless you!!!

  • A Well-Functioning Brain