How to improve sleep quality

Improve Sleep Quality


1.\tCreate a simple, easy to follow sleep schedule.

1. Create a simple, easy to follow sleep schedule.

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Exercise at least 60 minutes a day.

Exercise at least 60 minutes a day.

Don\u2019t eat sugary food before bed. Focus on whole foods.

Don’t eat sugary food before bed. Focus on whole foods.

Plan out the following day before going to sleep to avoid extra stress.

Plan out the following day before going to sleep to avoid extra stress.

Shower at night instead of in the morning.

Shower at night instead of in the morning.

Get rid of screens 30 minutes prior to sleeping.

Get rid of screens 30 minutes prior to sleeping.

Find what puts you to sleep; reading, meditation, prayer etc.

Find what puts you to sleep; reading, meditation, prayer etc.

Find your preferred sleeping position.

Find your preferred sleeping position.

Place the thermostat at around 67-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Place the thermostat at around 67-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

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