How to identify if you have real coach
This guide will show you how to identify real Coach. Unfortunately, I do not have anything fake to compare it to. All items were purchased from my local Coach outlet.
This is a coach bag from the coach factory outlet.
Wristlet from the factory.
The handle of the wristlet,noticing the stitching, it's a little hard to tell but it's the same dark orange color as the item itself.
No, I didn't pay $98 for a wristlet. I love the outlet factories because they always have discounts. This was less than $35 after the discounts.
The inside of the bag, notice the white card in the pocket by my thumb.
This is the famous care card. It comes with shoes, handbags, basically everything. It tells you how to care for the product. Make sure it has the Coach number in it, it's a 800 number.
Close up of the inside of the card
The entire card, written in English, French and 2 other languages.
The bag where small items go like keychains or luggage tags.
The keychain I purchased.
Always keep the receipt in case you want to return something, remember to check the return policy. I hope this helps.
Remember, the original cost of my purse was $98, I bought 3 items (purse and 2 keychains, one of which was a gift for family) for less than the cost of that one purse.
- 1.0 Coach bag
- 1.0 Coach Wristlet
- 1.0 Coach keychain