How to identify fake nike jordan 9's
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New Nikes are boxed in a strong shoe box usually featuring the logo on the lid and side. Colour and style of box varies according to style and year.
Nike retail boxes feature a label on one side detailing style name, size, colour, country of manufacture and a style number. The style number is usually 9 digits long.
Inside label details vary depending on year, country of manufacture and style. Check the style number matches that on the box. Check that the tail of the Q in FABRIQUE starts inside the circle.
Sole patterns and styles vary, always make sure they are high quality and not worn out if the shoes are new. New Nike Jordan 9's feature a large Jumpman logo on the heel.
New Nike Jordan 9's feature a 23 Logo embroidered into the heel. Check that the embroidery is neat and well finished and that the stitching from the 2 does not join the 3.
High quality stitching can be hard to replicate. Check carefully that the stitching on the heel of the Nikes is tight, straight, evenly spaced and cleanly finished.
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