How to identify a genuine nikon camera
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The sturdy box features the Nikon logo and the model number both in print and sometimes embossed. Beware that genuine packaging can accompany counterfeit cameras.
The retail box should have a label on the side panel. It features the Nikon logo, the model number, the serial number with barcode and additional manufacturing information, often in Japanese.
New Nikon cameras are accompanied by an instruction manual. Check that the print details are of high quality with crisp edges as this is often compromised in counterfeit reproduction.
New Nikon cameras are accompanied by a warranty card. Check carefully for any errors in spelling and that the serial number featured matches the serial number found on the camera and retail box label.
All Nikon cameras feature a model number. It will be detailed on the packaging and the camera itself. The location of the model number on the camera can vary but it is usually on the camera base.
Most Nikon cameras feature a serial number. It is a 6 or 7 digit number. The location of the serial number can vary but it is usually on the camera base.
Check the details of the camera mount carefully. Edges will be well finished, screws will fit flush with the surface, and the cap should be branded with the logo.
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