How to Use the Bible

How to Use the Bible


Biblical timeline

Biblical timeline

Why is the land of Cannan so important?

Why is the land of Cannan so important?

The land of Canaan is so important because it is the promise land. Moses freed the Israelites from being oppressed in Egypt and travelled through the dessert for 40 years to Canaan.

It is so important because it showed the Israelites that God would keep his promises and it reminded them to keep theirs. Also later a Temple would be build and God would live their.

It was the land God promised to them.

The bible as a library

The bible as a library

The bible is a library. Remember the books I was talking about earlier they are called that instead of stories because they are their own books. For this in collection of books the bible is a library

The 4 gospels

The 4 gospels

The Gospels! There were 4 gospels Matthew, Luke, mark and John. The 4 gospels each display a slightly different view of Jesus's life. The audience will influence the story.

The moral stays the same but the content changes to make the story more understandable.

Mark was written for the community of believers in Rome during 68 AD. we know this because mark makes no reference to the destruction of gods house the temple. Mark was written by John Mark.

Matthew was written for Jerusalem between 70-80AD. Matthew makes key references to Judaic practices and customs and connects most with the Old Testament. Matthew was written by Matthew the apostle.

Luke was written for the Greeks during 80-90 AD and had open teachings about Jesus' message. Luke's message was written for Christians that weren't Jewish. Luke was written by Saint Luke

John was for the people of Ephesus which was an ancient city in turkey and was written between 95-110AD. It was a highly reflective gospel and had more metaphoric imagery than the other gospels.

The gospel of John was written unanimous but the writer called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved.

What does it mean to be Christian? Being Christian isn't having no fun or strictly obeying every rule you have ever heard of. Being Christian isn't going to hell if you're greedy.

Being Christian is believing in God and knowing no matter how many times you fail God he will still love you. Like a parent no matter how angry you make them deep down they will always love you!

Being Christian is knowing God is accepting and understanding. God showed us forgiveness through Jesus. Being Christian is trying to help others and putting in an effort.

What is truth in the bible?

What is truth in the bible?

Don't look at the words in the bible as truth but look for the truth in the words. Not all the words are completely truthful but there is a hidden message behind them. There is a moral or metaphor.

The story of creation..

The story of creation..

The creation story is a story about how God created us in 6 days and rested on the seventh. It is a myth that explains why we and everything else is here and our relationship to God.

Because God created us last it shows us our great relationship to God and says he made everything for us but the next challenge is keep our present beautiful.

Also since God rested on the 7th day it shows us everybody needs a break and to work in moderation even on the things we love.

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