How to Shoot a Jump Shot

How to Shoot a Jump Shot


Step 1: get in a comfortable shooting postion

Step 1: get in a comfortable shooting postion

Step 2: square your body towards the goal bring the ball up in a shooting motion.

Step 2: square your body towards the goal bring the ball up in a shooting motion.

Step 3: make sure that the ball is on your finger tips and not the palm of your hand.

Step 3: make sure that the ball is on your finger tips and not the palm of your hand.

Step 4: The most important part is to use you legs bend your knees so you can get power for your shot.

Step 4: The most important part is to use you legs bend your knees so you can get power for your shot.

Step 5: Make sure that you keep your elbow in and point it towards the basket.

Step 5: Make sure that you keep your elbow in and point it towards the basket.

Step 6: Make sure you get enough power from your arms to get the ball to the goal.

Step 6: Make sure you get enough power from your arms to get the ball to the goal.

Step 7: make sure that you that you use your legs all in one continuous motion.

Step 7: make sure that you that you use your legs all in one continuous motion.

Step 8: Always remember to follow threw with your arm to create backspin on the ball.

Step 8: Always remember to follow threw with your arm to create backspin on the ball.

  • Audience- new basketball player
  • Supplies: basketball