How to Open a Door

How to Open a Door


Walk up to the door.

Walk up to the door.

Place your hand on the handle.

Depending on what kind of handle you have you will either pull down on the handle or twist it. On this handle pull down

Depending on what kind of handle you have you will either pull down on the handle or twist it. On this handle pull down

Twist this handles clockwise or anticlockwise it doesn't matter

Twist this handles clockwise or anticlockwise it doesn't matter

Push the door open while twisting or pulling on the handle. Don't push the door too hard or it will slam.

Push the door open while twisting or pulling on the handle. Don't push the door too hard or it will slam.

Step through to the other side of the door.

Step through to the other side of the door.

It is common curtesy to close the door behind you.

It is common curtesy to close the door behind you.

  • Door