How to Make Your Baby Sister Happy

How to Make Your Baby Sister Happy


Always make her laugh when she needs it by tickling her of blowing raspberry at her belly

Always make her laugh when she needs it by tickling her of blowing raspberry at her belly

Have a fashion show and which her pose

Have a fashion show and which her pose

Always make she's not at school in the sick bay bed! Daaaiiiisy!

Always make she's not at school in the sick bay bed! Daaaiiiisy!

Take a couple of selfies with her.

Take a couple of selfies with her.

Make sure she's mostly snugly and worm

Make sure she's mostly snugly and worm

Make sure she's got her boots with her shell get fussy

Make sure she's got her boots with her shell get fussy

And remember a tea set.

  • Tea set
  • Baby toys
  • Some boots
  • A friendly brother or sister