How to Make Brownies

With Eden and Gracie


Gather supplies

Gather supplies

Add 1 egg

Add 1 egg

Add 1/4 cup of oil

Add 1/4 cup of oil

Add 1/4 cup of water

Add 1/4 cup of water



Spray pan with cooking spray

Spray pan with cooking spray

Move the brownie mix to the pan

Move the brownie mix to the pan

Smooth out the mix

Smooth out the mix

Remove excess brownie mix

Remove excess brownie mix

Bake at 350F for 5 minutes

Bake at 350F for 5 minutes

Fool around while waiting

Fool around while waiting

Remove from the oven and enjoy!

Remove from the oven and enjoy!

  • A brownie mix
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup water