How to Make a Stuffed Roasted Mushroom and Spinach

This dish is at its best when served straight away.


You can any buy these ingredients from super market (any supermarket). Or any organic market.

Step 1 stir all of the ingredients into ball (spinach, egg, mushroom and parmesan)

Step 2: place all these ingredients into the mushroom.

Cook at 180 degrees for 30 minutes

This is a easy meal to make, in my opinion I give this a 7/10

From my experience this type of recipe is slimy and is very different to what I make.

I cant prepare a lot of foods but this one is a big difference from what I usally make.

  • 1.0 tub of ricotta drained (250g)
  • 2.0 Unpack the spinach and (defrost)
  • 3.0 Egg
  • 4.0 1/4 cup parmesan, grated
  • 5.0 Sprinkle parmesan
  • 6.0 Chop (large) mushrooms
  • 7.0 Sprinkle pepper