How to Make a Snapguide

How to Make a Snapguide


First go into Snapguide.

First go into Snapguide.

Then you need to press on featured to open the task menu.

Then you need to press on featured to open the task menu.

Task menu.

Task menu.

Press on create a guide.

Press on create a guide.

Then you need to give your guide a title. This will tell people what the guide is about.

Then make your guide.

Then make your guide.

Title screen: you need to put a cover picture on.

Title screen: you need to put a cover picture on.

Supplies: Now you need to make a list of supplies to make the guide.

Supplies: Now you need to make a list of supplies to make the guide.

Then, create the steps.

Then, create the steps.

The creator of this guide has not included tools