How to Make a Pillowcase for Yourself

How to Make a Pillowcase for Yourself


Making my sewing pattern from the old pillowcase

Making my sewing pattern from the old pillowcase

Pin it and draw it I used two kinds of cotton fabric one green, and the other one is orange use colorfull

Pin it and draw it I used two kinds of cotton fabric one green, and the other one is orange use colorfull

Cut the fabric I did both parts inside out

Cut the fabric I did both parts inside out

Use my little sewing machine, threading.

Use my little sewing machine, threading.

Start sewing move the fabric back and forward to make sure don't miss any part

Start sewing move the fabric back and forward to make sure don't miss any part

This is my little sewing machine so tiny

This is my little sewing machine so tiny

Another view of it

Another view of it

I went twice the sewing just in case

I went twice the sewing just in case

Then pint your zipper in the upper part I really took the sewing pattern from the other old piece

Then pint your zipper in the upper part I really took the sewing pattern from the other old piece

Finishing sewing the zipper

Finishing sewing the zipper

I had to add pins to hold the zipper in place

I had to add pins to hold the zipper in place

This is the result so easy!!!

This is the result so easy!!!

A green and orange side the zipper I used is orange

A green and orange side the zipper I used is orange

Take a look how it ended

Take a look how it ended

  • 1.0 Sewing machine mine is small
  • 50.0cm american cotton fabric
  • 1.0 thread
  • 1.0 scissors
  • 10.0 pins
  • 1.0 zipper of 15 cm or else