How to Loose Weight and Stay Fit Easy

How to Loose Weight and Stay Fit Easy


Still have carbs but not before bed. Carbs are for energy like don't have them for dinner unless your working out after dinner

Do planking (not the mainstream weird one that people do on balconies-.-) its where you go on your stomach and hold yourself up on your elbows and wrists

Avoid sugars. If you don't work out a lot to burn them off don't have lots try and only having them in fruits

Eat healthy. 7 veges and 2 fruits a day eat carbs in the morning and excersize

Remember don't excersize too much because you might become exhaughsted and it sucks

If you are already fit and just want muscles for abs do sit ups and crunches for arms do pump classes or light weights For legs do lots of stretching and maybe ballet if you want your legs really

Muscly like mine do Olympic weight lifting

And flex haha

And flex haha



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