How to Be a Cheerleadr

How to Be a Cheerleadr


First,of all you need your materials and get dressed.

Next,think of a cheer for example hey hey you you now what to do you got to rock with the blaek and roll with the blue

Next,think of a cheer for example hey hey you you now what to do you got to rock with the blaek and roll with the blue

Third,get a friend if you want to grab a boy that plays football.

Third,get a friend if you want to grab a boy that plays football.

Last,you became a cheerleader good job

Good job you know how to be a cheerleader now. I bet you won' be bored Intel a little bit now! Enjoy if you want to tell a friend it's ok have a good day!!!

  • Cute out fit
  • White tennis shouse
  • a bow
  • Pom poms
  • White socks
  • Shorts