How to homeschool routine

Homeschool Routine


Here is an example of a homeschool curriculum!

Here is an example of a homeschool curriculum!

For CC (classical conversations) we have pages that list things we need to learn you can purchase the notebook At

For CC (classical conversations) we have pages that list things we need to learn you can purchase the notebook At

Next we copy the states using a map

Next we copy the states using a map

Soon we have to draw them! It's okay if it's not perfect!

Soon we have to draw them! It's okay if it's not perfect!

Next we copy the history sentence and science question, ( if you have the CD there are fun songs to go along with the history sentences)

Next we copy the history sentence and science question, ( if you have the CD there are fun songs to go along with the history sentences)

Every week we write a report, you can purchase the cards from

Every week we write a report, you can purchase the cards from

First we write notes

First we write notes

Then a report

Then a report

We also listen to 6 min. Of the timeline song! Just look up CC timeline song with motions on YouTube or use the CD!

Next is science, we use Apologia, and you don't have to worry about evolution in that book! We chose anatomy to go along with CC, but you can choose whatever you like!

Next is science, we use Apologia, and you don't have to worry about evolution in that book! We chose anatomy to go along with CC, but you can choose whatever you like!

We bought these lesson sheets at and we do science twice a week, 2 days worth of it each time

We bought these lesson sheets at and we do science twice a week, 2 days worth of it each time

Also we purchased a kit that has pretty much all the supplies you need for the experiments (including blood tests!) from

English! We use A.C.E.! I do four or five pages a day, just as long as you have 3 paces done every nine weeks,it's ok.

English! We use A.C.E.! I do four or five pages a day, just as long as you have 3 paces done every nine weeks,it's ok.

Now for math! We use teaching textbooks,they have fun characters that do something when you get a problem right!

Now for math! We use teaching textbooks,they have fun characters that do something when you get a problem right!

We got math and English from Now for music! Choose an instrument and find instructions on YouTube or a book or whatever instructions you can find!

We practice music 4 days of every week!

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  • Look at guide for supplies!